Goodness Tea House is OPEN!

As of January Goodness Tea House is officially open!

Shaelee the brew master enjoying the glorious Chaga-coldbrew before landscaping!

Shaelee the brew master enjoying the glorious Chaga-coldbrew before landscaping!

The space is a great place to relax and sip gourmet tea and coffee, while you relax, color, knit, get office work done on your computer, or just have really inspiring conversations.

Pearl enjoying tea and knitting in our wonderful atmosphere... 

Pearl enjoying tea and knitting in our wonderful atmosphere... 

Come get cozy in our nook of comfort! 

Come get cozy in our nook of comfort! 

Goodness Tea House is also a great place to come replenish your stock of tea for home. Or buy our amazing locally sourced trail snacks and fruit leather. Save money by buying directly from us!


We are offering $50 rentals of our space with unlimited tea, and monthly subscriptions at $27 to use our space as your personal study, or work space including unlimited tea and discounts on our vegan gluten free treats. 

Office Subscription Goodness Promo.jpg

Usnea: The Herb That's Taken a Lichen to Healing


Goodness Tea House