I am thankful
There is so much around to rejoice about. Birdsong and sunshine, a place to lay our heads and clean water to drink. Having friends who love and ground that carries life.
The kitchen office was robbed last week- but the theme isn't loss and violation; it's the beauty of negating the hidden rocks and noticing the beauty of the raging sea, the peace of the changing seasons.
A person my daughter made from treasures she found on mushroom hunt-walk.
So much abundance all around, what a harvest is the fall time- food falling from trees greater than our abilities to process and preserve. Beauty all around in golden trees, crisp greens and ever-vibrant dahlias holding on to endless summer despite the chill of shade and early night. Winter comes soon, things will slow and be buried under the mulch of last year, resting, waiting, quietly rooting deeper and getting ready for next seasons growth. May we rejoice in the fruits of our labor, rest in the season of rooting down and hardening off last years growth, and ready our hearts for what the weather may bring in the season ahead.