Homegrown High Tea Summer Series

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Peninsula friends,

We are so excited to start this new series! If you don’t already know, we love supporting and encouraging our local farming and business friends. We will be hosting High Tea on Fridays from 1-3 to showcase our local food and farm friends and pair with our tea! We provide our tea house as a private and intimate space to indulge in and get a taste of what is happening locally. It’s first come-first served and reservations are always welcome any day of the week. Just give us a call and we will arrange the details in advance. Up to 12 people.

We deeply appreciate the farmer and producer community out here and we feel this is such a great opportunity to promote them and build on our business as well. Shout out to everyone we have partnered with, to everyone we will partner with, and everyone just doing their thing regardless!

Hope it’s a beautiful day for you,



Tea of the Month: Lemon Lavender


The Benefits of our Brews